"The fact that neither state power nor male dominance is unitary or systemic means that a feminist theory of the state will be less a linear argument than a mapping of an intricate grid of overlapping and conflicting strategies, technologies, and discourses of power(Brown 177)."
This selection from Wendy Brown's paper equates a resistance to the hegemony of masculinity and state power to what is traditionally a natural resistance to power in general. This, I think, is where we find ourselves today. Gender inequality is not regulated to the peripheries of the system. To subvert this violently racist system, and to set an example of honest appraisal of the system for others to follow, begins with admitting these base indignities. This disciplined society comes out of a predisposition to power and control yet it is fueled by domination of gender and a variety of other controls that cannot be constrained to "linear" political logic. It must be understood socially to have any effect at all.
Brown's contention is based on the "gendering of the state(177)" and that state presuming the actions of its participants. Masculinity exposes itself in practice and defense of the state through violence. Not just any violence, but an American, white, racist and gendered violence. Such a reaction comes out of the function of the state itself. Subversion begins with those pushed toward the bottom of society. Those that are dominated must to, have to, find a way to subvert an inherently unequal system. To do less would be to accept an indignity. It would be to accept failure. Those of us looking to fill these positions of power after graduation must accept that they fill the roles of an unequal system. It is imperative that they look to subvert that system by shifting and subverting the roles laid out in front of them. This is a challenge of all generations from here on out. To do less would be to accept failure. It is much clearer, thankfully, than election politics. It occurs in everyday interaction. For Brown, it begins with subversion through feminism.
Yes, and...
ReplyDeleteSo, subversion is good, when we want to do what precisely? Precisely what do we, and even more precisely what do I want to do?
For myself, I am contemplating acting in an entirely new way, to subvert the domination of myself that is currently taking place from within my family of origin, and/or birth. Can one protest one's family home? We who are artists and agents of social change, protest at the home of CEO's in order to "bring it home" to them that we mean business!
I say that the revolution that Lenin is talking about in "State and Revolution is taking place right here in my body, as I sense it is also, possibly for some transgender people that we have met in our class. However, let me say that acting is an extension from being, which is more of a totality than, yet includes my body. First, I need to "be" me, in a new way so that I may become a better agent in thinking, creating and enacting this subversion that alinberk is talking about here.
So here is a definition of the word, subvert:
[suhb-vurt] Show IPA
–verb (used with object)
to overthrow (something established or existing).
to cause the downfall, ruin, or destruction of.
to undermine the principles of; corrupt.
Use subvert in a Sentence
1325–75; Middle English subverten < Latin subvertere to overthrow, equivalent to sub- sub- + vertere to turn
—Related forms
sub·vert·er, noun
un·sub·vert·ed, adjective
1. upset, disrupt, undermine, overturn, sabotage.
Previously, withing the women's liberation movement, and to be even more precise, within the movement to eradicate violence against women, such as "domestic violence" we did not protest at the homes of our families, or take the actions directly to the person who dominated us, using the "collective viewer" to rely on mainstream TV to cover our potential protest of the future that I am envisioning. Perhaps acting as in taking action to change society, or what we may have, and did call, "taking action" can now "be" in an entirely new way! from dogwood
I agreed with Dogwood which I need to "be" me, in a new way so that I may become a better agent in thinking, creating and enacting this subversion. It is order to find out that what I want it or what I want to change. Also, I can assert my human's right.